Pragati College Raipur

Welcome to Pragati College !

Sports Activities

Pragati College has since long times, been participating & hosting in all kinds of indoor and outdoor sports activities conducted by the Higher Education Department of Chhatisgarh & Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur Chhattisgarh.

Year wise Sports Activities
Sports Achievements 2021-22View/Download
Student Participation List in Sports 2021-22View/Download
Student Participation List in Sports 2020-21View/Download
Sports Achievements 2019-20View/Download
Student Participation List in Sports 2019-20View/Download
Sports Achievements 2018-19View/Download
Student Participation List in Sports 2018-19View/Download
Sports Achievements 2017-18View/Download
Student Participation List in Sports 2017-18View/Download



Sports 2023-24


Sports 2022-23


Sports Activities 2019-20


Sports Week 2017